Friday 24 May 2013 #9m4 #9p4 Rules Log #9m1 #9n5 Rules Log: LO1 - To understand what a rule is in the context of computer gaming LO2 - To understand what a an action and an event are  in the context ...

Sunday 19 May 2013

9B - Business Cover Period 5

LO: To develop our marketing skills and refresh our knowledge of the 4Ps

Starter: Read through the tasks below and continue from where you left off on Friday. Make sure you add as much detail as you can for each section.

Task 1: 
Create a marketing plan for a new type of shoe - the AIR trainer.
Your plan MUST include details on:
  • Place 
  • Price
  • Product
  • Promotion
  • And a description of your customer
*TIP - Think about who your competitors are as well as where and how they sell their products. Make sure you write this in your plan. 
*TIP - Use facts and figures where possible.

Task 2: 
Create sketches of your AIR trainer and draw a storyboard for an advertisement. On the storyboard, make sure it is clear what is happening in the scene, what characters are present, how long each scene is.

Task 3:
Evaluate your AIR trainer advert. You should write at least 150 words.

Compare your AIR trainer product  to other existing trainers. How are they similar/different? You should write at least 150 words.

Thursday 16 May 2013

9B Business Cover Periods 4 & 5

Pupils need to write in a Word doc the difference between the following types of questions and their answers:

  • Identify
  • Describe
  • Analyse
  • Evaluate
Task 1:
Continue working on TASK 3 of the assessment. Use the D1 hints to help you and the J Sainsbury's website.

Task 2: 
Create a marketing plan for a new type of shoe - the AIR trainer.
Your plan MUST include details on:
  • Place
  • Price
  • Product
  • Promotion
  • And a description of your customer
Task 3: 
Create sketches of your AIR trainer and draw a storyboard for an advertisement. On the storyboard, make sure it is clear what is happening in the scene, what characters are present, how long each scene is.

Evaluate your AIR trainer advert idea.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

10m2 10p4 Indesign Tutorial for flyers.

Starter: Click here to see the criteria for the flyer. Check your hand drawn flyer in your booklet and complete any missing requirements.

Task: Using software of your choosing, create your flyer on computer. 

Tip: Adobe Indesign is a more sophisticated version of Publisher. 
Use the tutorial here to help you.

The iPod touch will be coming around for you to photograph your hand drawn design.

Plenary: Update your ongoing plan. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

8x1 - Cover period 4

LO: To develop our skills in Flash by continuing to create our animated stories.

Starter: Find you story from last lesson. REMEMBER when you are starting a new scene, you actually need to add a new scene in Flash.

Task: Continue with your story. You must create the backgrounds as well as the characters. Try using the bone tool from last lesson to make your characters walk.

You may use the Internet to find tutorials for flash but you need headphones in if you are listening to a video.

Plenary/homework: Comment on the blog post/email me saying what you have learnt today and how far you have got.

9m4 - Cover period 3

LO: To enhance our understanding of the course requirement so that we meet the criteria required.

Starter: Each of you will be given a copy of the progress tracker. Use the key at the bottom of the page to help you. Write your name on the sheet!!

1. Complete ALL missing work and tick it off on your sheet as you do it. Any Ps mean that there is either part of the work missing or incomplete or requires feedback and action taken to be completed.

2. If you believe you have ticked EVERYTHING off the progress tracker, you can continue with your backgrounds. (640 x 480)

3. If you complete this, start to mind map ideas for your characters.

Plenary: Ensure you have ticked your sheet when work is completed AND linked up to your web page.
Hand your sheets in.

10m2 Cover - Period 2

LO: To extend our understanding of the requirements of our flyers.

Starter: Complete the bitmap v vector paragraphs for all 5 of your design logs. Comment on the types of image, the quality, what size it is needed, how realistic it needs to be and how professional.

Task: Re-read this and make sure you are aware of the criteria required.

Task: In your booklet, complete your flyer hand drawn design. You need to add on your shop front and packaging. Your sketches can be rough!
You MUST include colour and have feedback as well as suggested improvements.

Once you have done this, you can begin creating it on computer using Adobe Indesign. Use the Internet to help you find tutorials if you are stuck. (It is  more advanced version of Publisher) 

Plenary: Update your ongoing plans and write a blog post about the work you have done over the last few weeks. 

Homework: If your photo montage or photo montage design log is not complete, this needs to be done in clinic. There is no more lesson time on this.
Write in your planner that it MUST be COMPLETED by Friday 17th May else DTs will be set.

10B - Biz cover Period 1

Starter: Using your plans, make a note of all the sections you still need to gather research on.

Task: Continue to research for your controlled assessment. Make sure you update your bibliography as you go.
Complete the methodology questions that we looked at last lesson in your blue booklets.

Plenary: Update the table at the bottom of page 27 stating what work you and your group members did this lesson.

Anyone without a plan needs to bring it to me on Friday at break at the staff room. Failure to do so will result in an after school DT.