Boolify - Searching
Factory Balls - Sequencing
Logic simulator
Logic Worksheet
Logic Worksheet 2
LO: To be able to identify the different Logic gates and the binary arithmetic associated with them.
In binary you have 1 and 0.
If you have NOT 1, you have...?
If you have NOT 0, you have...?
Log in to your blog.
Open this Logic simulator
Below are 3 types of logic gates.
A logic gate is a component of a computer circuit that can have multiple inputs but only 1 output. The output is dependent on the combination of inputs.
NOT GatesIn the starter we were looking at a NOT gate.
Lets try it on the simulator.
Write a TRUTH TABLE for a NOT gate.
Input A | Output B |
AND GatesNow let's look at an AND gate. Notice the shape:
Notice that it has 2 inputs A & B and output C.
What combination of inputs could we have for A & B? (Remember binary can only be 1s or 0s.)
As a class we will complete the table using the simulator.
You will need 2 high constants and 2 low constants, these will be our inputs, an AND gate and a light bulb to see the output.
If the button is pressed = 1 otherwise it is 0.
If the light bulb is on = 1 otherwise it is 0.
Input A Input B Output C
Copy the table in to your blog post.
What do we notice? What pattern is in the table?
Can you spot any multiplication?
On your blog write a conclusion to your findings.
OR GatesWe are now going to do the same for an OR gate.
Using the same combination of numbers, how does our table look now?
Copy your OR table on to your blog post.
What do we notice? Any patterns?
Can you spot any addition?
On your blog write a conclusion to your findings.
Quick quiz - Click on the image to enlarge it.
Answer the questions on your blog post.
I will be collecting your marks out of 8.
LO: To show our understanding of Logic gates so that we can teach Year 8 pupils about them.
Let's go through the answers from yesterday
Look at a friend's blog and comment on it giving them a mark out of 8.
Share those marks with me.
Now that you have learnt what logic gates are and their truth tables, you are going to produce a lesson about them for Year 8 pupils.
You can present it anyway you like and produce any resources you would need to teach it but you must include:
- The NOT gate
- The AND gate
- The Or gate
- The Truth tables for all 3
Think very carefully about how you would explain it to someone who has NEVER seen logic gates before.
1. Think about worksheets (create your own questions, don't copy mine).
2. Think about how you would structure the lesson (what order would you teach it?)
3. Think about what you would have on the board.
4. Think about how you would test their understanding?
Print off your lesson plan and resources.
Staple them together and hand them to me.
COMMENT on your blog reflecting on the process of planning a lesson to teach others.
Flow Chart