Tuesday 25 March 2014

BBC School Report - Writing Group

Writing is a big part of a journalist's job, whether they work online, on radio or on television.
The resources on the right are designed to help journalists of every level improve their writing skills.
There's also great advice on making your web stories clear and interesting - and a very important section on how to make sure your stories don't fall foul of media law such as libel, copyright and contempt of court.
One of the newer ways for journalists to cover stories is through live event pages, featuring regular short updates to keep people quickly up-to-date with all the latest news.
The guide to sub-editing is a must-read to get some top tips for how to check stories and scripts for mistakes before they are published or broadcast.
And if you're wondering what SEO means, it stands for Search Engine Optimisation - in other words making headlines more easily discoverable via Google and other search engines. It's an increasingly important part of the business as the competition for online readers grows ever fiercer.