Tuesday 25 February 2014

HTML Coding

LO: To develop a basic understanding of html


HTML - What do the different tags mean?




<a href="http://www.codeacademy.com"> ???? </a>

<img src="wildern.jpg" alt="Wildern reception" width="104" height="142">


Click here for Code Academy

You may need to register with your school email address.


What other tags have you come across?
What do they mean?

Wednesday 12 February 2014

9bCS Losing Battle Code

# Losing Battle
# Avoids the dreaded infinite loop

print("Your lone hero is surrounded by a massive army of trolls.")
print("Their decaying green bodies stretch out, melting into the horizon.")
print("Your hero unsheathes his sword for the last fight of his life.\n")

health = 10
trolls = 0
damage = 3

while health > 0:
    trolls += 1
    health -= damage
    print("Your hero swings and defeats an evil troll, " \
          "but takes", damage, "damage points.\n")

print("Your hero fought valiantly and defeated", trolls, "trolls.")
print("But alas, your hero is no more.")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

7y1 13/02/14 Annotations on Sorting and Searching

LO: To understand what a database is and why they are used.

In your Year 7 ICT folder, create a new folder called Databases.

Main 1 - Learning New Skills - Wildern Criminal Island Database

Download this database file into your Sites, Year 7 ICT, Databases folder and Open it.
Following a quick demonstration - carry out Activity 1 on the work sheet - sorting!

Main 2 - Sorting and Adding a new Record

Now, after my demonstration follow the sheet to complete tasks 1 and 2 - Sorting and adding a record.

Review our objectives. 

Main 3 - Searching and using lines of enquiry

Carry out task 3 on the sheet  - SEARCHING -  you are starting to hit level 6 now.

If you have not yet started annotating your work, open up a new Word Document. Call it Database Annotations - save it in Sites - your folder.

Take screen shots of your searching and explain what you have done and how this may help the police force.
Refine your searches - how can you narrow down the search by changing your search criteria

The Green Challenge - you are now the database expert. 

Plenary - 
What have we learnt?
How are databases useful in 'the real world'?

Tuesday 11 February 2014

9bCS What does this code do?

import random 

print("\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!")
print("\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.")
print("Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n")

# set the initial values
the_number = random.randint(1, 100)
guess = int(input("Take a guess: "))
tries = 1

# guessing loop
while guess != the_number:
    if guess > the_number:
    guess = int(input("Take a guess: "))
    tries += 1

print("You guessed it!  The number was", the_number)
print("And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n")
input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

Sunday 9 February 2014

10b Unit 1.2 Introduction

LO: To develop a basic understanding of the content of Unit 1.2.

Find the definitions of the following terms:

  1. organisational structures
  2. functional areas
  3. customer service 
You need to research the above terms and create a poster/leaflet/presentation on what you find.

You will need to find:
  • the names of different types of organisational structures 
  • with some images
  • the names of different functional areas 
  • and what they do
  • some examples of customer service 
  • and why it is useful to businesses
Print your poster/leaflet/presentation.
Share what you have learnt with another member of the class who was doing coursework.

Thursday 6 February 2014

9bCS Cover Friday 7th Feb P4

LO: To develop our understanding of Python so that we can complete our coursework to the best of our ability. 


In a blog post write down the denary numbers represented by the following:

  1. 1001
  2. 0101
  3. 1000 0001
  4. 0001 0101
  5. 1111 1011


Log back in to LearnStreet and continue with the Python exercises.

Your Python coursework will not provide you with as much support as the Learn Street website does.

You will need to be able to code starting with a blank document.


Add to your blog post what NEW terms and Python skills you have learnt today.

9p6 Cover Friday 7th Feb Period 3

LO: To develop our Photoshop skills and our self management skills.

What different effects have been applied to this image?

Continue working on your phone wallpapers.

Your backgrounds must be created by you not from Google images!!

Once you have finished your background, open it in Photoshop and insert:

  • your hero 
  • your villain 
  • and your logo

Use the tick sheet that Mr Featherstone gives you to check if you have included everything.
You then need to get someone else in the class to check it too!

If your finish it, have a look in you evidence folder for the Phone Wallpaper design log.
If you can't find it, download it from here and save it in your Evidence folder.

Write on your blog 3 things you have done or learnt today ready to show me next lesson.

9n1 Cover Friday 7th Feb Period 2

LO: To develop our Photoshop skills and to understand the requirements of the phone wallpaper design log so that we can get our A/A* target grades.

With the person next to you discuss what effects have been applied to the image below.
Who can name the most?

You need to continue with your Phone Wallpaper designs.

REMEMBER - you must only use PRIMARY sources - What does this mean?
AND this is your DRAFT version.

You should have:

  • a relevant background
  • a photo of your hero
  • a photo of your villain
  • your game logo
You need to update your design log and your Annotated Tools as you work.

Your design log should have:
  • hand drawn image of your wallpaper
  • it should be annotated with your design decisions
  • it should have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback
  • you should list some refinements
  • print screens of your draft version
  • it should be annotated with your design decisions
  • it should have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback
  • you should list some refinements

  • print screens of your final version
  • it should be annotated with your design decisions
  • it should have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback
  • you should list some refinements
Update your blog saying what you have done today.