Wednesday 29 January 2014

7y1 Introduction to Databases

LO: To understand what a database is and why they are used.

In your Year 7 ICT folder, create a new folder called Databases.

Main 1 - Learning New Skills - Wildern Criminal Island Database

Download this database file into your Sites, Year 7 ICT, Databases folder and Open it.
Following a quick demonstration - carry out Activity 1 on the work sheet - sorting!

Main 2 - Sorting and Adding a new Record

Now, after my demonstration follow the sheet to complete tasks 1 and 2 - Sorting and adding a record.

Review our objectives. 

Main 3 - Searching and using lines of enquiry

Carry out task 3 on the sheet  - SEARCHING -  you are starting to hit level 6 now.

If you have not yet started annotating your work, open up a new Word Document. Call it Database Annotations - save it in Sites - your folder.

Take screen shots of your searching and explain what you have done and how this may help the police force.
Refine your searches - how can you narrow down the search by changing your search criteria

The Green Challenge - you are now the database expert. 

Plenary - 
What have we learnt?
How are databases useful in 'the real world'?


Click here to complete the survey

Thursday 23 January 2014

9bCS Python Practice

LO: To develop our understanding of Python so that we can complete our coursework to the best of our ability. 


Complete this survey if you have not already done so in your ICT lessons.

In a blog post, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between an int and a float?
  2. How do you assign values? (e.g. Assign 5 to the term num)
  3. What 2 answers can a boolean be?

Log back in to LearnStreet and continue with the Python exercises.

Make a note on your blog of anything you are finding difficult.


Add to your blog post what NEW terms and Python skills you have learnt today.

9n1 Phone wallpaper

LO: To develop our Photoshop skills in order to produce an A/A* quality phone wallpaper design.

Complete this Survey

First get feedback on your hand drawn designs.
Do they meet the requirements?
Do they show your hero/villain clearly?
Do they clearly represent your game?

I will photograph your designs so you can add them to your new design logs.
Open Computer then copy the address below in as this is where your photos will be:


Lets get started in Photoshop!!


Reminder - Character work deadline is today.
DTs will be set for work that is not complete or of a good enough standard.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

10a Cover for Wed 22nd Jan

LO: To develop our research skills and improve our bibliographies.


Complete the drag and drop task on Aims and Objectives.

Click here to access it.


Read the following links and make notes on them for the ethical section of your coursework.
REMEMBER to add the sources to your bibliography.

1. Games rigged article?
2. Prizes manipulated
3. HB Leisure

Read the following article on Ethical goods sales increase.

How could you use this in your coursework?

The rest of your time is for researching anything you need for your assessment.


Update your bibliography.

Year 7 Cover for Wed 22nd Jan

  • You have this whole lesson to complete the exam to the best of your ability.
  • Everything you need for the exam has been emailed to you.
  • Log in to your Wildern email account and DOWNLOAD the attachments.
  • SAVE the files in to your sites folder.
  • Follow the instructions on the exam paper.
  • You need to complete the test in SILENCE.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

8w3 COVER P5 15/01/14

LO: To develop team work and independent enquirer skills by completing our animations and movie editing.

In a Word document, write down as many terms associated with animation and movie editing.

The person with the most words to show me next lesson will win a gold!


Continue with you animation and movie editing as well as your annotations.
The more detail you put in your annotations the higher your level will be.

Remember you need to show what tool you used and where your used it.

You will need to use YouTube or online tutorials if you get stuck but you MUST mute the sound as 211 is very echoey.

If you complete your animation or movie editing, get feedback from 3 people and make the necessary improvements.

Can you now add anymore terms to your list?
Think about the tools you used today!

9bCS Computer Science Careers

LO: To develop our knowledge of computing careers. 

We have the opportunity for 18 pupils to visit Eastleigh College for a day in March to experience Computer Science in Higher Education.

Have a quick look at the courses they offer for Computer Science and Computing.


Create a document/presentation/flyer that informs other pupils of the courses available to them and the careers they could lead on to.

It must include:

  • The names of courses, where they are and a brief explanation.
  • The courses must be from at least 4 colleges local to Wildern.
  • At least 5 different careers in different industries.
  • Relevant images.
  • Details of where students can get more information. 


Email me your work from today and your Scratch annotations for colour printing.

What have you discovered today?

Monday 13 January 2014

9n1 14/01/14 Logo for Phone Wallpaper

LO: To develop our understanding of applying effects in Illustrator.

Look at the mark scheme.
How many marks are we aiming for?
What does that section require to gain those marks?

The SPB states:
Product Produce the mobile phone wallpaper.
It must:
  • be created using only graphic tools to edit and combine elements
  • include a photograph of each 3D character
  • be an appropriate size and resolution for a mobile phone screen.

What makes an effective logo?

Watch the demo.

You are going to create your own logo using the effects in Illustrator.
Choose 3 tools from the list below to try today and write them on your post-it note:
  • Layers
  • Textures
  • Brush 
  • Shapes
  • Direct selection tool

Investigate some of the other effects. 
Write on a blog post which you used and what they do.

Mini - Plenary:
Look at your partner's work. 
What effects have they applied?
Write 2 stars and a wish on the back of their post-it.

Save your logo as a PNG and upload to a blog post stating what tools you used and what you have learnt.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

9bCS Programming Coursework Practice 3

LO: To develop our understanding of the programming coursework.

LO: To show develop our understanding of using Scratch to draw shapes.


Refresh your memory of the Scratch coursework by re-reading through the task and 

checking your coursework to see where you are up to.

Open your print screens of your testing.


(e) Add to the program so it repeats the process of drawing a square and turning 20 times.

1. Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(f) Add to the program so it increases the size of the sides of the square by 5 each time it draws a new one.

Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(g) Add to the program so it asks the user how many squares the user wants and then draws the squares that number of times.

Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(h) Change your program so when it asks for the number of squares if the user picks a number of less than 15 a red pen is selected.

Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(i) Test your program works. Make notes on how you tested it and what you found out.

5. Create a test table that list:
  • What you were testing
  • What you had to input
  • The expected outcome of the test
  • The actual outcome of the test.

Extension Task:

(j) Write an evaluation of how well your program works. You should include: Any problems you had making it and how you overcame them. Any bugs your program still has. Any future improvements that could be made to your program.

6. This is a formal piece of writing. even if your program did not work correctly you can still get a high mark if you evaluate your work truthfully and in detail.

Write a blog post saying: 
  • what you have learnt today
  • which task you are up to 
  • and what you need to do next.