Wednesday 8 January 2014

9bCS Programming Coursework Practice 3

LO: To develop our understanding of the programming coursework.

LO: To show develop our understanding of using Scratch to draw shapes.


Refresh your memory of the Scratch coursework by re-reading through the task and 

checking your coursework to see where you are up to.

Open your print screens of your testing.


(e) Add to the program so it repeats the process of drawing a square and turning 20 times.

1. Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(f) Add to the program so it increases the size of the sides of the square by 5 each time it draws a new one.

Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(g) Add to the program so it asks the user how many squares the user wants and then draws the squares that number of times.

Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(h) Change your program so when it asks for the number of squares if the user picks a number of less than 15 a red pen is selected.

Print screen your code to show the results of your program and annotate them.

(i) Test your program works. Make notes on how you tested it and what you found out.

5. Create a test table that list:
  • What you were testing
  • What you had to input
  • The expected outcome of the test
  • The actual outcome of the test.

Extension Task:

(j) Write an evaluation of how well your program works. You should include: Any problems you had making it and how you overcame them. Any bugs your program still has. Any future improvements that could be made to your program.

6. This is a formal piece of writing. even if your program did not work correctly you can still get a high mark if you evaluate your work truthfully and in detail.

Write a blog post saying: 
  • what you have learnt today
  • which task you are up to 
  • and what you need to do next.