Monday 10 December 2012

#9p4 #9m4 HTML - Adding tables and images.

LO: To understand how to add tables and images to our web pages.
LO: To understand how to embed a video on to our web pages.

Recap of last lesson. Add to your HTML annotations as we go through.

Using this tutorial, create a table in your web page that has 2 columns and 4 rows.
  • The columns will be labelled Advantages and Disadvantages. 
  • Give 3 of each for using html to create web pages.

Using this tutorial, add images to your web pages.

  • The images must represent the work you have done so far this year.
  • Try aligning the images differently on the page. (right, center, etc)

Print screen the html code you have written so far today. Annotate this, explaining what the code does. Describe in detail.

Try embedding a You tube video on your web page.
Again print screen the steps you took to do this.

Print your print screens.
Blog about your progress this lesson, stating what progress you have made as well as what you are still unsure about.