Thursday 25 April 2013

8x1 Developing our Flash skills.

LO: To continue develop our Flash animation skills so that we feel more confident in creating our animated stories.

Starter: Recap last lesson for those who were away. What did we do? Show what you made.

You are going to continue developing your Flash using the tutorials on the Wildern ICT web page.
Scroll down to the tutorials and start with 1. Flash Basics in you were not here last week.

If you were, complete the button tutorial then try 2. animating with a symbol.
If you get stuck re-read the tutorial, then ask the people around you before you ask me for help.

I will be going through it with you!

What new keywords have we learnt this lesson?
Show us what you have achieved.

Comment on this blog post answering the following questions:
When would Flash be used in the "real world"?
Why is it used instead of other software?