Thursday 10 October 2013

9bCS Operating System

LO: To understand what an Operating System is and why they are needed.

How many operating systems can you name?
Write them in a blog post.
Insert their logos in to your blog post.

Define what an operating system is.

1. User Interface
What is a user interface?
What does GUI stand for?
Why do we need a user interface?

2. Management
How does the operating system deal with memory management?
How does it deal with hardware management?

Get your partner to read your blog post. They will comment on the post giving 2 stars and a wish on how your work is presented and the level of detail provided.

Period 5
LO: To research the differences between the Windows and Mac user interfaces.

You will be put in pairs. As log in to the MAC side of your machine. Bs the Windows side.

You are going to write a formal comparison of Windows' and the Mac's user interfaces.

How do they differ?
How are they similar?
Are there any issues with either of them?

Which do you prefer and why?
Is one more suited to a particular task than the other? Why?

Read your comparison to the rest of the class.