Thursday 7 November 2013

10a & 10b Cover Friday 8th Nov

Complete any missing work from the tasks below:

1. You need to complete the anagrams on page 41 of your blue booklet (Lesson 20).
2. Continue working through your book.
When you have completed the table on Thorpe Park's ownership on the bottom of page 41 and top of page 42, you need to RE-CREATE the table in a Word document and complete it for Sainsbury's.
Both of these tables help answer a question in your coursework. When you have completed the table you need to write a paragraph for each using ALL the information in the table.

3. If all of the work above is complete and DETAILED, complete the word search and quiz on page 42 and 43. (We will mark the quiz next lesson)
4. Using the link to @tain on the Wildern Business page here, complete all of the questions on Franchises in Lesson 21.
Note: Franchise Operation just means "What is a Franchise?"

5. In a Word document answer the following questions:

  • What franchises operate in Thorpe Park?
  • Why does Thorpe Park allow franchises to run within it?
  • What are the downsides to having franchises in Thorpe Park?
  • Could Thorpe Park or Sainsbury's be run as a franchise? Use evidence to support your answer. (10 mark question)
6. On page 66 of your booklet, begin answering question 2. Save this document in your H drive as you will need this for your controlled assessment.

Update your bibliography with any new sources you need to answer question 2.