Wednesday 8 May 2013

10m2 Cover - Period 2

LO: To extend our understanding of the requirements of our flyers.

Starter: Complete the bitmap v vector paragraphs for all 5 of your design logs. Comment on the types of image, the quality, what size it is needed, how realistic it needs to be and how professional.

Task: Re-read this and make sure you are aware of the criteria required.

Task: In your booklet, complete your flyer hand drawn design. You need to add on your shop front and packaging. Your sketches can be rough!
You MUST include colour and have feedback as well as suggested improvements.

Once you have done this, you can begin creating it on computer using Adobe Indesign. Use the Internet to help you find tutorials if you are stuck. (It is  more advanced version of Publisher) 

Plenary: Update your ongoing plans and write a blog post about the work you have done over the last few weeks. 

Homework: If your photo montage or photo montage design log is not complete, this needs to be done in clinic. There is no more lesson time on this.
Write in your planner that it MUST be COMPLETED by Friday 17th May else DTs will be set.